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FlotasNet presents its new value proposition

FlotasNet®, the Fleet Management brand of Smart Data Services has presented its new value proposal based on 6 basic principles.

A value proposition is a statement that a company uses to explain how its products and services solve the needs of customers, making a definition of the benefit or value it provides and differentiating its own products and services from competitors.

For FlotasNet® these 6 basic principles of the value proposition, from now on, will be the cornerstones of the brand strategy. Vertical cornerstones are: improvement of productivity and profitability; improvement of safety; improvement of decision making and improvement of service to customers. Transversal cornerstones are: customizable and adaptable solution, accompaniment, service of high value.

Improving Productivity and Profitability

  • Effective fuel management
  • Saving time in processes
  • Control of driver behaviour to increase productivity
  • Reduced vehicle operating costs, breakdowns and maintenance
  • Reduced vehicle downtime
  • Control of vehicle use, km and driving times
  • Professional communication with the driver and dispatching of routes
  • Improved job assignment based on driving status


Improving Security

  • Reduction of incidents and accidents
  • Exhaustive and real time monitoring of the vehicle, the trailer, the driver, the cargo and passengers
  • Assistance in the prevention and management of theft and asset recovery
  • Ensure the safety of the driver and the load
  • Control of the use of the vehicle out of hours and zone not authorized
  • Data Protection and Cybersecurity


Improving Decision Making

  • Intelligent management of areas and steps by points of interest
  • Quality, ease to use and integrate with other platforms
  • To provide the quality information needed to make the right decisions.
  • External and relevant information such as gas stations, restrictions, traffic status and others
  • Quick and easy visualization through indicator panels and dashboards, adapted to the different user profiles
  • Indicators of asset use and worker activity
  • Real-time or scheduled reports with automatic delivery
  • Multiple control possibilities in geographical areas.


Improving Service to Your Customers

  • Increase the reliability of the fleet and service
  • Real-time cargo vision and traceability and more reliable delivery times
  • Possibility of making decisions in real time in the event of incidents or delays in transport
  • Accessible information for your clients´ computer systems
  • Visibility or sending valuable information to your customers
  • Regulatory compliance


Customizable and Adaptable Solution

Customization of the solution:

  • Solution adapted to your specific needs and challenges
  • Great capacity of personalization, your POI, your alarms, warnings, reports, etc.
  • Wide variety of platforms, technologies and sensors

Global adaptable solution:

  • Customizable alarms and warnings according to the activity of each client
  • Scalable solution: increases functionality as your management needs grow
  • A single platform, for the management of all brands and types of vehicles


Continuous accompaniment and high value service

Continuous accompaniment throughout the process:

  • Strategic partner for the development of the business with the objective of continuous improvement
  • Solvent team with large experience and technical and market knowledge
  • You will have a specialized manager who will accompany you in the implementation of key actions and digitalization of processes to improve your productivity.
  • Continuous and remote support and updating of the systems

High value service:

  • Specialized support throughout the life of the project
  • We are a leading company in the sector, belonging to a large group with global presence
  • Personalized customer experience
  • Working methodology from the experience of 20 years in the sector
  • Extended customer support

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