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Where is the cheapest petrol station in Spain?

FlotasNet allow you to find out where are located the cheapest petrol station in Spain.

FlotasNet is a tool for mobility management that allows control over mobility assets, in order to obtain data that helps business to make the best decisions. One of the functionalities of this solution is that it allows to know the prices of fuel in all petrol station in Spain.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has boosted the price of oil and petrol. Knowing where the cheapest petrol station is has always been very useful and necessary, and given the circumstances on the last week, even more so.

Through this functionality, users can have the exact information about the fuel price, just us the name of this petrol station and its location, allowing business that are in route to know which petrol station has the best price on their route. All this updated and with the guarantee of being a reliable source of information as is the Spanish Government.

In short, this functionality of FlotasNet to know the location of the petrol station with the cheapest price, is practical and specially useful in the current context.

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